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Oakleigh Catholic Parishes
of Sacred Heart and Christ Our Holy Redeemer
CDF (Catholic Development Fund), which is the authorized bank for the Archdiocese of Melbourne is providing two different links one for the Sacred Heart Church and another for Christ Our Holy Redeemer Church. Just click on the link and it will direct you and guide you which is easy, convenient and secure.
The Sacred Heart, Oakleigh link is
The Christ Our Holy Redeemer Parish, East Oakleigh link is:
Parish Account Numbers for Contributions
Sacred Heart Church:
BSB 083347 A/C 651766077
Christ Our Holy Redeemer:
BSB 083347 A/C 464742301
SH Presbytery:
BSB 083347 A/C 651659757
We thank you in advance for supporting our parish community.
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