Oakleigh Catholic Parishes
of Sacred Heart and Christ Our Holy Redeemer
Oakleigh Parishes as Vibrant Parishes: Oakleigh Parishes of Sacred Heart and Christ Our Holy Redeemer need to transform to be life-giving communities that foster lives of holiness and discipleship among the members and joyfully desire to share that same gift of faith in Jesus Christ. Understanding each person is uniquely called and gifted. Pay attention to forming and equipping them to live their call. Helping the people who are searching for a deeper spiritual connection in their lives where their hopes, joys and anxieties can be expressed and embrace new opportunities for service.
Oakleigh Parishes as Vital Parishes: Oakleigh Parishes of Sacred Heart and Christ Our Holy Redeemer, should read the signs of the times with hope and missionary vision. Understanding surrounding neighborhood and local history and culture. Respectful of their past yet hope filled for their future. Open to new ideas, acknowledging what happened in the past may no longer fit where the parish is being called today. Also have clear direction and purpose and collaborate effectively with others to further the Kingdom of God.
Oakleigh Parishes as Viable Parishes: Oakleigh Parishes of Sacred Heart and Christ Our Holy Redeemer, have the financial, people and property resources, and can mobilize those resources, for their common vision and mission. Developing sufficient income streams to resource and grow their mission to provide and maintain buildings to support the needs of their mission and ministries. Their diverse sources of income enable them to serve their local communities in a sustainable way. They openly share their spiritual, ministerial, and material resources with others for the benefit of the whole of the Archdiocese of Melbourne.